The 12th Workshop on Argument Mining

July 31st, 2025

Co-located with ACL 2025 in Vienna, Austria

March 25th 2025 Happy to announce our Keynote Speaker: Andreas Vlachos from University of Cambridge.

January 28th 2025 12th Argument mining workshop will host two Shared Tasks

January 15th 2025 Check the Important Dates

January 15th 2025 The 1st Call for Papers is out!

December 6th 2024 Call for Shared Task is out

December 6th 2024 The official ArgMining 2025 website is launched.

Argument Mining (also known as “argumentation mining”) is an emerging research area within computational linguistics that started with focusing on automatically identifying and classifying argument elements, covering several text genres such as legal documents, news articles, online debates, scholarly data, and many more. In recent years, the field (broadly Computational Argumentation) has grown to explore argument quality and synthesis on many levels. The field offers practical uses such as argument-focused search and debating technologies, e.g., IBM Project Debater. The growing interest in computational argumentation has led to several tutorials at major NLP conferences.

Besides providing a forum to discuss and exchange cutting edge research in this field, a secondary goal of this year's edition will be to broaden the disciplinary scope of the workshop by inviting other disciplines (e.g., (computational) social and political science, psychology, humanities) as well as other subareas of NLP to actively participate in the workshop and further shaping the field of argument mining. In particular, we would like to create synergies between the fields of argument mining and natural language reasoning.

The workshop will be co-located with ACL 2025 and held in Vienna, Austria in a hybrid format.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h (“anywhere on Earth”).

Keynote Speaker

Andreas Vlachos

Andreas Vlachos Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge

Title: TBA

About the Speaker: Andreas Vlachos is a professor of NLP and Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge. Among the many things he has worked on, we find constructiveness in argumentation, fact checking, media bias, dialogue modeling.

Submission Topics

The topics for submissions include but are not limited to:


The Workshop on Argument Mining provides a regular forum for presenting and discussing cutting-edge research in argument mining (a.k.a argumentation mining) for academic and industry researchers. By continuing a series of eleven successful previous workshops, this edition will welcome the submission of long and short papers, as well as extended abstracts and PhD proposals. It will also feature a number of shared tasks shared tasks and a keynote talk.


Submission Details

The organizing committee welcomes submitting long papers, short papers, extended abstracts and PhD proposals. Accepted papers will be presented via oral or poster presentations. Long and short papers will be included in the ACL proceedings as workshop papers. Extended abstracts and PhD proposals will be non-archival.

Multiple Submissions

ArgMining 2025 will not consider any paper under review in a journal or another conference or workshop at the time of submission, and submitted papers must not be submitted elsewhere during the review period. ArgMining 2025 will also accept submissions of ARR-reviewed papers, provided that the ARR reviews and meta-reviews are available by the ARR commitment deadline (May 21st). However, ArgMining 2025 will not accept direct submissions that are actively under review in ARR, or that overlap significantly (>25%) with such submissions.

Submission Format

All long, short, and demonstration submissions must follow the two-column ACL 2025 format. Authors are expected to use the LaTeX or Microsoft Word style template LaTeX or Microsoft Word style template. Submissions must conform to the official ACL style guidelines contained in these templates. Submissions must be electronic and in PDF format.

Submission Link

Authors have to fill in the submission form in the OpenReview system and upload a PDF of their paper here before April 17, 2025, 11:59 pm UTC-12h (anywhere on earth).

Double Blind Review

ArgMining 2025 will follow the ACL policies preserving the integrity of double-blind review for long and short paper submissions. Papers must not include authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references or links (such as GitHub) that reveal the author’s identity, e.g., “We previously showed (Smith, 1991) …” must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as “Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) …” Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Papers should not refer, for further detail, to documents that are not available to the reviewers. For example, do not omit or redact important citation information to preserve anonymity. Instead, use the third person or named reference to this work, as described above (“Smith showed” rather than “we showed”). Papers may be accompanied by a resource (software and/or data) described in the paper, but these resources should also be anonymized. Unlike long and short papers, demo descriptions will not be anonymous. Demo descriptions should include the authors’ names and affiliations, and self-references are allowed.
Anonimity Period (taken from the ACL call for papers in verbatim for the most part) We follow the ACL Policies for Review and Citation. Submissions must be anonymized, but there is no anonymity period or limitation on posting or discussing non-anonymous preprints while the work is under peer review.

Best Paper Award

In order to recognize significant advancements in argument mining science and technology, ArgMining 2025 will include the Best Paper award. All papers at the workshop are eligible for the best paper award, and a selection committee consisting of prominent researchers in the fields of interest will select the award recipients.

Shared Tasks

The 12th Argument Mining Workshop will be hosting two shared tasks.

1. Critical Questions Generation Shared Task

Organizers : Blanca Calvo Figueras,Rodrigo Agerri , HiTZ Basque Center for Language Technology - Ixa, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain,
Elena Cabrio,Serena Villata, University of Côte d’Azur and member of the Inria-I3S research team Wimmics

Overview: In recent years, a growing concern within the educational community has been whether the widespread use of LLM-based chats could foster superficial learning habits and weaken students’ critical thinking skills. To counter this trend, in this task, we propose using LLMs to guide users towards asking critical questions. That is, questions that can uncover fallacious or poorly constructed arguments. In short: we want to foster critical thinking by developing a system that generates insightful critical questions when given argumentative texts.

All the details regarding the shared task can be found at the Critical Questions Generation Shared Task Website.

2. MM-ArgFallacy2025: Multimodal Argumentative Fallacy Detection and Classification on Political Debates

Organizers: Eleonora Mancini, Federico Ruggeri, Paolo Torroni, Language Technologies Lab, University of Bologna, Italy
Serena Villata, Inria-I3S WIMMICS Laboratoire I3S, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, France

Overview: Argumentative fallacies, logical errors in reasoning, play a significant role in shaping debates, influencing opinions, and spreading misinformation. While traditional approaches to Argument Mining have focused on text-based analysis, paralinguistic features such as tone, pitch, and delivery can provide additional insights into fallacious reasoning. This shared task introduces the first Multimodal Argumentative Fallacy Detection and Classification challenge, leveraging both textual and audio data from political debates. Participants will address two sub-tasks: detecting fallacious argumentative sentences and classifying fallacies into predefined categories. The task is structured to evaluate performance across three settings: text-only, audio-only, and multimodal (text + audio). To support these goals, we provide datasets including MM-USED-fallacy, UKDebates, M-Arg, and MM-USED, fostering multi-task and multimodal learning. This task aims to advance research in multimodal argument mining, encouraging innovative methods that integrate diverse data modalities to better understand and detect logical fallacies in human discourse.

All the details regarding the shared task can be found at the MM-ArgFallacy2025: Multimodal Argumentative Fallacy Detection and Classification on Political Debates.


Organizing Committee

Past Workshops


We abide by the ACL anti-harassment policy.
